Letitia’s first steelhead bit her bad. A wild, Trinity River fish of ten pounds that cart-wheeled its way into her backing, she fishes for nothing else. Early on in her pursuit of anadromous rainbows, she picked up a spey rod and, ever since, travels the Pacific Northwest into Skeena country with a quiver of them. She’d only driven over the Klamath en route to the Rogue, Deschutes, Hoh, and Kispiox and finally decided it was time to change that. After fishing through a couple of promising runs without a nudge a bright half-pounder stopped the fly mid-swing. Letitia took three more from the run and finished the trip with a tally similar to those fishing nymphs under indicators. Despite water temperatures in the low 40’s, large flies prompted aggressive responses and hooked fish often went airborne. If only I can get her to fish big flies in BC next fall!
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