Here's a little note from our friend Tom Derry from his first week in BC...
"High water is the word most used to describe conditions on British Columbia's Skeena System this fall. A big snowpack and wet summer have combined to make this projection most likely a reality. As with all steelheaders there is endless optimism and this year the hope is for an Indian Summer that doesn't end until late November. These conditions are something that Skeena steelheaders need to take in stride, wild fish and wild rivers are never predictable and that is why we make the trip north. Rule number one in high water is never wade deeper that your knees as the fish will be tight to the bank. This is also a great time to fish a skater. If you are fishing on your own and the river blows out consider spending the day in Smithers getting to know some locals. Another neat thing to do is take a drive to the Babine weir and check out the grizzly bears. Meziadin Lake and the Nass River is another fun day trip or spend the day scouting new water. We will hope for that beautiful Indian Summer and a season to remember up north."
Stay tuned for more BC steelhead reports from the field...